Impasse Resources

Below you will find information concerning the processing of a request for asssistance over an impasse dispute before the Federal Service Impasses Panel (the Panel).

Impasse Assistance

Form to Request Assistance from Federal Service Impasses Panel – The form traditionally used to request the Panel's assistance over a bargaining impasse and information on how to file that form with the Panel.

Impasse Training

The Panel offers comprehensive training addressing the procedural and substantive matters involving the resolution of bargaining impasses between federal agencies and unions representing federal employees arising from negotiations over conditions of employment under the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute and the Federal Employees Flexible and Compressed Work Schedules Act.  The following training is available at the Office of Personal Management's HR University website:

Impasse Guides and Manuals

Dispute Resolution Procedures Guide – Guidance on the various types of dispute-resolution procedures used by the Panel for resolving impasses.