OIG Hotline

NOTICE: The FLRA Office of Inspector General (OIG) is not part of the Department of Labor, Veterans Affairs, Department of Defense, U.S. Postal Service, Bureau of Prisons, or any other agency. To find the Inspector General for these and other agencies, please visit https://www.ignet.gov/content/inspectors-general-directory.

If you know about fraud, waste, abuse, or misconduct relating to an FLRA program, contract, or employee, you may report it to the FLRA-OIG Hotline. When reporting information, you may choose to be confidential, which means the FLRA-OIG will not disclose your identity without your consent, unless the Inspector General determines that such a disclosure is unavoidable during the course of an investigation. You may instead choose to be anonymous. Anonymous reports may limit our ability to process the information you provide as we would not be able to contact you for additional information or clarification.

You may use any of the following methods to report information to the FLRA-OIG Hotline:

Online Form:

Phone: (771) 444-5712 or 1-877-740-8278 (toll free)

Fax: (202) 208-4535

Mailing Address:

               Federal Labor Relations Authority

               Office of Inspector General

               1400 K St., NW, Fl. 3

               Washington, DC 20424

Privacy Act Statement

The FLRA-OIG may use the information you provide to investigate allegations of fraud, waste, abuse, and misconduct relating to an FLRA program, contract, or employee. The FLRA-OIG is authorized to collect this information pursuant to the Inspector General Act, 5 U.S.C. §§ 401-424. Submission of any information is voluntary. However, failure to provide the FLRA-OIG with all of the information needed to investigate could prevent the FLRA-OIG from thoroughly reviewing and/or resolving the report’s allegations. The FLRA-OIG maintains this information in a system of records, FLRA/OIG-1, Office of Inspector General Investigative Files, 82 Fed. Reg. 49811 (Oct. 27, 2017). The routine uses that may be made of this information are listed at https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2017-10-27/pdf/2017-23420.pdf.