Agency Administration and Structure

The FLRA is organized into three statutory components:  (1) the Authority; (2) the Office of the General Counsel; and (3) the Federal Service Impasses Panel (the Panel).  The FLRA components exercise statutorily independent prosecutorial and adjudicative responsibilities, with different and separate legal roles.  Presidential appointees – the three Members, the General Counsel, and the Panel Chairman – lead each of these components, respectively.  

The Statute requires the President to designate one of the Authority Members to serve as the FLRA Chairman, the head of the agency.  As the FLRA's chief executive and administrative officer, the FLRA Chairman is responsible for decisions regarding agency-wide administrative functions, such as purchasing, human resources, budgeting, finance, information technology, leasing of office space, and agency performance management.  The Chairman carries out these duties through the Office of the Executive Director.

The immediate staffs of the Authority Members, the Office of the General Counsel, and the Panel are under the general, day-to-day supervision of their respective leadership – the Authority Members, the General Counsel, and the Panel Chairman.  In addition, the Authority Members appoint Administrative Law Judges to hear and prepare decisions in cases involving alleged ULPs, as well as decisions involving applications for attorney fees filed pursuant to the Back Pay Act or the Equal Access to Justice Act. 

The FLRA also provides full staff support to two other organizations – the Foreign Service Labor Relations Board and the Foreign Service Impasse Disputes Panel – created by the Foreign Service Act of 1980.    

The Authority, the Office of the General Counsel, and the Panel maintain their respective headquarters offices at a common site in Washington, D.C.  The Office of the General Counsel also includes staff in Regional Offices in Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C.