a. Union’s Position
a. Union’s Position
The Union proposes that “(a)gents assigned to collateral duties will be permitted unrestricted use to (sic) the office space adjacent to the K-9 kennels.” The Union is seeking space where agents may work continually to avoid a situation where they may be moved to different areas of the office depending upon where space for them becomes available. The collateral intelligence agent already is working in the K-9 office where the other collateral duty agents also should have their workstations. The K-9 office would be the most convenient work area for the vehicle maintenance officer because of its proximity to the garage and the office is large and underutilized so agents could work there undisturbed. Currently, there is only one K-9 officer who uses the work area infrequently and another is expected to arrive in a few months after completing training. Even with two K-9 officers in the space it could easily accommodate several more workstations.