EMPLOYEES, COUNCIL 147, AFL-CIO Charging Party |
Case No. SF-CA-70506 |
Stefanie Arthur, Esq. For the General Counsel
Ralph Patinella, Esq. Wilson Schuerholz, L.R.S. For the Respondent
Craig Campbell, Union President For the Charging Party
Before: ELI NASH, JR. Administrative Law Judge
Pursuant to an unfair labor practice charge filed on June 19,
1997, by the American Federation of Government Employees, Council
147 (herein called charging party/union) the Regional Director of
the San Francisco Region of the Federal Labor Relations Authority
(herein called the Authority) issued a Complaint and Notice of
Hearing, on November 26, 1997.
The complaint alleges that the Social Security Administration,
Region IX, San Francisco, California (herein called the respondent)
violated section 7116(a)(1) and (5) of the Federal Service
Labor-Management Relations Statute (herein called the Statute) by
unilaterally implementing an early consultative examination project
in the Chula Vista field office without bargaining as required by
the Statute; by repudiating the November 8, 1995, national
Memorandum of Understanding on Early Decision List (herein called
EDL), Teaming and Sequential Interviewing which requires regional
negotiations over baseline teaming of SSA Claims Representatives
with State Disability Examiners; and, in the alternative, by
engaging in bad faith bargaining in connection with regional level
teaming negotiations that commenced on April 14, 1997.
A hearing was held in San Francisco, California at which all
parties were afforded a full opportunity to be heard, to examine
and cross-examine witnesses and to introduce evidence. The parties
filed timely post-hearing briefs which have been carefully
Based upon the entire record, including my observation of the witnesses and their demeanor, I make the following findings of fact, conclusions and recommendations.
At all times material herein, the American Federation of
Government Employees (AFGE), has been the exclusive representative
of a nationwide consolidated unit of employees appropriate for
collective bargaining with the Social Security Administration.
Charging Party, AFGE Council 147, is an agent of AFGE for
representing unit employees at field installations and teleservice
centers in the area covered by SSA's Region IX, the Respondent
herein. Craig Campbell is the President of Council 147. Linda
McMahon is the Respondent's Regional Commissioner.
The Agency's Disability Process Redesign Plan
The basic facts are undisputed. Where there is a dispute
concerning a matter the undersigned has relied on the consistent
and credible testimony of Campbell.
Around September 1994, the Social Security Administration
(herein called the agency) finalized a disability redesign plan.
The plan sought to fundamentally change the way the agency performs
its disability mission. The plan was included in a national
agreement, negotiated between the Agency and AFGE, in November
1995, in order to commence implementation of the aforementioned
disability redesign plan.
In 1994, the agency published its plan to redesign its
disability claims process, entitled Plan for A New Disability Claim
Process, followed in November 1994, by a plan for implementing the
disability process redesign. Implementation of disability redesign
is coordinated by a disability process redesign team (DPRT), headed
until recently, by the Director of Implementation Charles A.
(Chuck) Jones.
Devised with the goal of improving the quality of service in
the disability claim process, one of the cornerstones of the
disability redesign is the establishment of a disability claim
manager position. Under the current procedure, applications for SSA
disability, whether filed under Title 2 or Title 16 of the Social
Security Act, are taken by the agency's field offices, where field
office personnel, particularly claims representatives (CRs) through
personal interviews, obtain a detailed medical and vocational
history for the claimant and then screen for nonmedical eligibility
factors. The claim is then forwarded to one of the State Disability
Determination Services (DDS) offices, where a disability examiner
(DE), sometimes referred to also as disability analyst (DA),
develops the medical evidence, which would include scheduling the
claimant for a consultative examination (CE) if needed, and a final
decision made regarding the existence of a medically determinable
impairment which meets the definition of disability. The new
Disability Claims Manager (DCM) will have responsibility for the
complete processing of an initial disability claim, combining the
DE's knowledge of the medical aspects of the disability program
with the CR's interviewing skills and knowledge of nonmedical
aspects of agency programs.
In November 1995, teams of representatives from AFGE and the
agency met in Baltimore and negotiated five separate MOUs covering
various aspects relating to implementation of the redesign plan.
One of those MOUs, the only one at issue in this case, was the EDL,
Teaming and SI MOU.
Among the ideas embraced by the disability redesign team as
means of providing cross-training for the agency and DDS employees,
in order to move to the disability claims manager model, were the
EDL and the Teaming and SI. The EDL is an expanded list of
conditions which could be presumptively determined to constitute
disabilities. The SI, is a procedure by which the DE follows up the
CR's regular interview of the disability applicant with a
telephonic or personal interview to obtain medical information. The
Teaming MOU, in fact, specifically states that "the Agency has
decided to implement the concept of CR/DE baseline teaming, the
Early Decision Process (EDP) and Sequential Interviewing as the
preliminary steps in the transition to the DCM. These steps are
viewed by the Agency as the building blocks toward this
Primarily concerned with establishing procedures for
implementing EDL nationwide, the MOU specifically required
negotiations over CR/DE teaming and SI to take place at the
regional level:
The Agency plans to implement CR/DE teaming and SI as quickly as
possible. Management agrees to bargain these issues at the regional
level (level 3) in accordance with the Operations Partnership
Agreement MOU dated 9/6/95. Management will provide AFGE with
notice in accordance with Article 4 of the National Agreement, 5
USC 71, and Executive Order 12871. The parties encourage the
regional bargaining process to commence within 10 calendar days
from the date the notice is given to the union.
Although the MOU contains no definition of teaming at the time of its negotiation, representatives of both sides were working from identical materials prepared by the redesign team which described different teaming scenarios and set out a number of teaming pilot programs which had been tried with more or less success. Among other things, the negotiation team members had before them the material which appears, in slightly modified form. This document makes clear that CR/DE teaming is a broad concept: "Team structure and function can occur in many ways depending upon the desired objective." "While teaming implies that a literal pairing of CRs and DEs will be established, actual team composition is likely to vary due to operational needs of the FO and DDS." Thus, teaming can occur person-to-person, group-to-group, unit-to-unit or case-by-case, or in any other structure or combination of structures, depending on local FO and DDS operational needs. "Teaming neither presumes nor prohibits team members being physically collocated. The use of collocation and/or communications technology depends upon the structure, resources and needs of the teams."
In the summer of 1996, representatives from AFGE, the agency
and State DDS participated in a series of conference calls to
discuss their experiences with teaming arrangements under the
agency's disability redesign plan. A document summarizing those
various teaming arrangements was prepared and is part of
respondent's evidence in Resp. Exh. 2.
Regional Implementation of the Redesign
By letter dated December 22, 1995, Regional Commissioner
McMahon notified Campbell of the Region's desire to commence
implementation of aspects of the Disability Redesign Plan covered
in the Early Decision Listing, Sequential Interviewing and Teaming
MOU, and invited the union's participation in the process:
We envision a number of local projects which may result from the
implementation of this MOU. Toward that end, we would like to
explore establishing regional parameters for enabling the parties
to make local arrangements and decisions.
Acknowledging that EDL, SI and Teaming "comprise a phased approach to creating the Disability Claims Manager position," McMahon describes Respondent's intentions with respect to teaming arrangement as follows:
Teaming is the bringing together of Field Office
(FO) and Disability Determination Services (DDS) staff to
facilitate the development and adjudication of disability claims.
There are some suggested models for pairing these resources . . .
[but] the model used in any given field office will vary with local
conditions and service area needs.
Acceptable alternative FO/DDS pairing arrangements may already
exist in some locations. In those locations where such is the case,
FO and DDS staff will be encouraged to explore further explanations
as long as they are consistent with the goal of CR/DE teaming.
Campbell thereafter requested negotiations, and after some dispute, it was agreed to conduct negotiations in person using interest-based bargaining (IBB). The negotiations were scheduled in April 1996. Martin Almanzan, Respondent's Northern Area Director, was designated to be Respondent's chief negotiator. Prior to the scheduled negotiations, the union and management exchanged their "proposals," more accurately identified as interests and criteria, but in April 1996 the negotiations were postponed in view of the fact that none of the States in the Region was willing to participate in EDL. As Campbell explained, under EDL, the CRs would perform some of the DDS functions while under SI or teaming, the CE would begin to perform some of the CR's functions. The union did not think it was fair to agree to procedures for state employees to begin performing the agency work in the absence of the quid pro quo.
The 1997 Negotiations
The negotiations that took place at the Regional level in April
1997 are the center of interest here, as they were allegedly
unilaterally terminated by respondent. The MOU at issue, entitled
EDL, Teaming and SI (herein Teaming MOU), was one of several MOUs
negotiated at the time as a prelude to implementation of the
nationwide plan. The Teaming MOU specifically provides that "the
agency plans to implement CR/DE teaming and SI as quickly as
possible" and requires negotiations "over these issues" at the
regional level.
The union heard nothing more from respondent concerning its plans to negotiate as required by the MOU until February 1997, when Campbell received a letter from Kim Mollenauer, respondent's Labor Relations Team Leader, advising that as a result of pressure from the national disability redesign team, the Region desired to complete regional negotiations on the teaming and sequential interviewing aspects of the national MOU "as soon as possible." Claudia Carlson, the Fresno Field Office Manager, was designated as the agency's chief negotiator, and Bill Otto, the Disability Program Administrator, was the co-negotiator. Campbell designated Elena Stonebraker, a disability CR in the Fairfield office as his co-negotiator.
Negotiations were set to begin on April 14 and continue through April 17, 1997, at the San Francisco Regional Office. It was agreed to conduct the negotiations using IBB so the services of a facilitator were obtained by the agency.
IBB is a method of negotiations using problem solving
techniques, rather than traditional, positional bargaining, which
has been adopted by the agency and AFGE as a cornerstone to their
partnership agreement. Under the IBB procedures which have been
utilized by the agency and AFGE, facilitators are trained to
moderate the sessions and provide some structure to the meeting.
Flip charts are used to record various areas explored and discussed
by the parties. As part of the process, the parties share their
interests, develop joint criteria by which to measure an agreement,
generate options, discuss what they can or cannot accept and, in
the last step, develop a plan which reflects all of those matters
with which the parties are in agreement. As part of the process,
agreements are reached by consensus decision making whereby all of
the negotiators indicate either that they support or can "live
with" the idea.
Under the parties' national ground rules, negotiations at the
regional level "will not exceed four (4) working days . . . These
time frames will include necessary travel, preparation, actual
bargaining, and mediation." Anxious to insure that the negotiations
would be completed within this contractual time frame, a mediator
was contacted and her services reserved for April 17, 1997.
In correspondence scheduling the negotiations, and later at the
table, Carlson made it clear that the purpose of the negotiations
was to establish a framework for future regional teaming
activities. "What we want to accomplish in these negotiations is to
establish a Regional process whereby Teaming projects can occur in
field offices . . . Specific workload proposals and field office
sites are not part of this proposal." To that end, in her
correspondence, Ms. Carlson enclosed "MOU's from other Regions that
establish frameworks for Teaming."
As you know, the national level Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
on EDL, Teaming and Sequential Interviewing calls for regional
level negotiations . . . Reaching an agreement on this matter and
resuming teaming activities is important because Region IX FO's and
DDS's have a long history of cooperative ventures designed to
improve public service. Evolution of these agreements and the
ability to respond to changing public demands, resources, and
legislation have been delayed pending resolution of this
bargaining. Also, teaming activities help build the structure to
support further reengineering activities such as DCM.
Bargaining commenced, as scheduled, on the afternoon of April 14, 1997. Carlson and Otto represented respondent; Campbell and Stonebraker represented the union; and a facilitator, Mike Lemon was presented. After the facilitator reviewed the IBB process, the parties proceeded to establish their ground rules. The agreed-to ground rules included the time they would meet (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.), that there would be no interruptions, that they would follow the procedures in Article 4 of the national agreement regarding mediation and impasse if no agreement were reached, and that they would chart all consensus decisions. The parties also agreed that either party could caucus. The parties next discussed the problem statement, which was tentatively identified as "how do we implement teaming and sequential interviewing in the San Francisco Region," and then moved on to listing their respective interests relative to this problem statement. After a preliminary discussion concerning a definition of teaming, the parties adjourned for the day.
When the bargaining resumed at 8:00 a.m. on April 15th, the
parties started right in working on a definition of teaming, using
the baseline teaming informational document and description of
pilots in evidence. After much discussion, the facilitator put a
tentative definition on a flip chart: that teaming was a process
that improved the relationship between state agency and field
offices with the goal of improving job skills for our employees and
improving public service; and that it could be done in a variety of
ways. The parties then listed the ways, such as group-to-group,
unit-to-unit, case-to-case and person-to-person, using terminology
from the Baseline Informational document which the parties were
using to define teaming.
No final agreement was reached on the definition of teaming but
with this working definition, the parties began brainstorming
options--the different types of teaming arrangements that could be
used in the Region.
At some point, the facilitator directed the parties back into
the sequential steps of the IBB process, discussing criteria by
which they would measure their agreement, e.g., that it would be
manageable, workable, legal and ratifiable, fair and equitable, and
then the parties began brainstorming what the actual framework for
their regional teaming process would look like. Using the same
process they had previously, each of the negotiators included items
they thought were necessary elements to this framework. A number of
ideas were put up by the parties under the topic of a framework,
including a process for approval of local projects, and the element
most important to the union, regional level notice of all teaming
arrangements. This topic had been the source of contention since
the management negotiators, particularly Otto, had expressed a
significant interest in local flexibility, but after Campbell
explained why the union wanted to be involved regionally, Otto
indicated that he could accept that explanation.
. . . I explained what the Union had to have and needed, was that
we needed to be involved regionally and wanted to know what was
going on in these projects because it had such a serious impact on
our employees. We didn't know if disability reengineering was going
to mean improved jobs for employees or loss of jobs, and we wanted
to know what these teaming jobs involved, and we had to have a
regional control on the projects . . . .
According to Campbell, this was a "major breakthrough . . . in the IBB process for us and so then Mike [Lemon] saw that as an opportunity to find out if we had a consensus on that item, so he identified whether we all had a consensus on the item, which we did." Carlson acknowledged that Respondent's negotiators agreed with the union's arguments and that consensus was reached on the matter of regional level notification. According to Carlson, she agreed because regional level notification was consistent with the type of framework which had been negotiated in regional teaming and sequential interviewing MOUs in other regions.
Shortly after this important breakthrough, having worked for
several intensive hours of negotiations, the parties broke for
lunch, but when they returned, before they could resume any
substantive discussions, management requested a caucus, which
lasted for the remainder of the day.
Negotiations were to resume the following morning, April 16, at
8:00 a.m. in accordance with the parties' ground rules, but
management initially requested to delay the opening. At 8:30 a.m.,
the management negotiators returned to the table, explaining that
they were having discussions with Regional management concerning
the framework that had been agreed to and that Regional management
wanted to conduct a conference call later that morning with the
area directors who were then in Baltimore for a meeting.
To avoid wasting time, the parties decided to move to another
subject while waiting for the conference call to occur. They turned
to the subject of sequential interviewing, which had been placed in
the "parking lot" the previous day, when it became apparent that it
was going to be a difficult issue to address, and began
brainstorming their different interests relative to sequential
After about an hour, LRS John Hernandez called Otto out of the
negotiations, and then, Otto and Carlson requested a caucus to meet
with regional management for a conference with the area directors.
When they returned in about an hour, Otto told the union
negotiators that they had to withdraw from their agreement to
regional notice; and that they had authority to continue
negotiations only if the union would agree to local notice.
The union negotiators were shocked by management's action.
Campbell and the facilitator, Lemon, both attempted to convince
Otto that management could not withdraw from their agreement but
management insisted that they could not proceed with negotiations
unless the union agreed to local level bargaining.
Unwilling to surrender their agreement to regional notice and
unsure how to proceed, the union negotiators requested a caucus in
order to regroup. Concerned that the negotiations were now heading
for third party proceedings, and that all they had was the material
on flip charts, Campbell and Stonebraker decided they needed to put
something in writing and they proceeded to prepare a document.
Although entitled Union Proposal, the document was an attempt to
capture on paper all of the material on the flip charts, i.e.,
summarize the parties' discussions during the prior two days of
negotiations. The union specifically sought to include all of the
interests and options which respondent's negotiators had surfaced
during the negotiations. According to Campbell, the parties decided
"to proceed with how we thought the IBB process would proceed . . .
So we proceeded to write up -- we decided just to proceed with how we thought the IBB process would proceed, which is, you come up with your written plan to address everybody's interests, so we developed the Union's plan and tried to take all the interests that were up on the board and write a plan, and it actually took us about four hours. I had a laptop and a portable printer in the room, and we actually typed it up and printed it out, made copies, and got management back to the table at, I believe about 3:30.
* * *
Q Now, you indicated that this document took into account the interests? Can you point to some of-- give us some examples here?
A Yes. The first section's an overview, so this kind of probably
follows our framework that was up on the flip chart, where it tried
to provide a structure to process, so item one was our attempt to
write an overview of how the process would work, which is, you
know, that the administration would identify the test sites, which
would address their flexibility of they would pick the sites. They
would take care of getting state agencies participation agreement,
they would develop the written proposal, and then the regional
framework, item four, would be where it -- we came up with this
coordinator idea, that would be the regional notice, and then the
step five under the overview is where the coordinators would review
it, modify it, or approve it, and that addressed Bill Otto's
interest of letting the local parties know whether their plan had
been approved or not. And then, item six was an effort to put
employees, the people who do the work, into the process, so we
thought, you know, having a group of employees who could develop a
plan or review the plans to get their input as to whether they
thought it was workable. That was kind of an overview, and then the
rest of it is just trying to provide more substance and detail to
those individual components.
We -- there was an interest in the framework of having a format, and so item three was listing a structure for a written format, so any proposed project would be typed up using this format, stating the length of the project, what number of people participating, giving a work flow, giving some structure to the plan so that the coordinators who evaluated would know what the actual proposal was.
The union completed its caucus and the parties returned to the table around 3:00 or 3:30 that afternoon, April 16, at which time the union presented its "proposal" to management. Campbell reviewed the plan with the negotiators, explaining how the union had tried to address as many of management's interests as they could. After about a half an hour of explanation, management requested a brief caucus. When they returned, they modified their prior position regarding local negotiations slightly, stating that "they saw only regional bargaining taking place if there was a regional roll out of a teaming project, or if a teaming project involved more than one area, but everything else had to be bargained locally." Campbell rejected this idea, reminding them that they had agreed to regional notice under the framework. At that point, Carlson told Campbell that the agency was "withdrawing their proposal."
Q What did you understand that to mean?
A That they were withdrawing their proposal to start teaming, and
that they expected not to proceed. I responded that, "You can't
withdraw your proposal." I said, "The National MOU says that you
must bargain regionally and it has time frames that kick in, and
you've already agreed to a regional notice," and I pointed to it
again up on the flip chart. At this point, Mike Lemon was
frustrated as the Facilitator and he said he felt like his services
were no longer needed, that the parties had moved into a more
traditional process, but we were going into mediation, because I
had made reference to the mediator being there the next [day], and
that we were going to proceed to mediation, and at that point the
discussions terminated, and we left the room with me saying, "I'll
see you tomorrow."
Carlson and Otto did not advise the union negotiators that management intended to cancel the services of the mediator, who was scheduled to meet with the parties the following day at 10:00 a.m., or that management did not intend to return to the table for any further negotiations.(1)
Moreover, notwithstanding respondent's contention that it terminated the negotiations because of differences over the definition of teaming, at the point the negotiations ended on April 16, there was no discussion whatsoever about the definition of teaming and management never advised the union that it considered there to be great disparity in their respective definitions of teaming or that it was terminating negotiations on that basis. That the parties did not discuss their alleged differences over the definition of teaming is not surprising, in view of the fact that, as discussed above, they had no significant differences. Respondent's claim that the decision was made to terminate negotiations because of the wide difference in their respective definitions--a decision assertedly made only after the union "moved from IBB to traditional bargaining" by submitting a "proposal"--is negated by the lack of any definition of teaming in the document itself.
On April 16, 1997, the union negotiators left for the day
planning to return for the session with the mediator scheduled for
the following morning. When they returned on April 17, 1997,
however, neither the mediator nor the management negotiators showed
up and only then did they learn that, unbeknownst to them and
without their agreement, Hernandez had contacted the mediator the
prior afternoon, and canceled the session. Moreover, only then did
the union learn that management had decided to "withdraw" from the
Upset by what he regarded as respondent's cavalier treatment,
Campbell prepared a letter to the Regional Commissioner protesting
the negotiators' actions and sought to discuss the matter directly
with the Regional Commissioner or someone on her staff. Later in
the morning, respondent's Executive Officer, Dennis Wilkin,
contacted Campbell and they discussed what had occurred with the
teaming negotiations. Wilkin informed Campbell that respondent
intended to proceed with the Sacramento project, but assured him
that they had no intention of implementing teaming in any other
Directly upon his return to Arizona, Campbell submitted the
union's request for assistance to the Federal Service Impasses
Panel (FSIP), but later withdrew his request in view of
respondent's opposition that there was no continuing duty to
bargain because it had withdrawn its "proposal."(2) Campbell was appalled by respondent's
contention that the union had ended the IBB process by taking a
caucus and preparing a traditional proposal, when, in fact, it was
respondent's withdrawal from its consensus agreement and its
ultimatum concerning local level notice that had forced the union
into this action. "If the Agency had not tried to terminate their
regional agreement for a regional framework, we wouldn't have
developed that plan, we would have been still at the table jointly
developing a joint plan."
The Sacramento Early CE Project
In late 1995, the Sacramento field office (FO) of the agency,
and the State of California DDS, jointly devised a plan for an
early CE project, whereby State disability analysts (DEAs) would
"spend 18-20 hours per week at the FO in identifying what type of
exam is needed, recording the necessary data . . . to ensure
provider payments will occur as appropriate, and arranging
transportation issues as needed and notifying the CE provider. When
the DEAs are not at the FO, a dedicated telephone line and cellular
phone will keep DEAs in communication with the CRs [claims
representatives] re exam types, next available appointment, etc."
As proposed, the plan provided for the DEAs to work at the FO,
scheduling CEs, work which the DEA had previously performed at the
DDS office, without face to face contact with the claimant. The
plan also specifically provided that when the DEAs were not in the
office, the CRs, in telephonic consultation with the DEAs, would
determine the type of consultative exam needed and to schedule the
exam for the claimant, work previously performed solely by the
Taking the position that the Sacramento CE project constituted
a teaming arrangement within the meaning of the November 1995
Teaming MOU, the union sought to bargain at the regional level. On
April 22, 1996, the Sacramento District Manager Bob Clevenger
refused to bargain at the regional level because the Sacramento CE
project was not "teaming" but constituted "an expansion and
improvement of the current process for obtaining CE's."
As proposed, this early CE project was not implemented in the
spring of 1996. However, at about the same time, a new Drug
Addiction and Alcoholism (DA&A) initiative became law. This law
required termination of benefits to all claimants receiving
benefits based solely on drug addiction or alcoholism by the end of
1997, unless it were determined that the claimant had another
qualifying disability. The Agency established a time frame for
notifying claimants of the impending termination of benefits and of
procedures for appeal, and for reevaluating those cases where an
appeal was filed. In such cases, a complete medical reevaluation
was necessary. In the San Francisco Region, the parties entered
negotiations over the DA&A procedures. Although no final
agreement was reached and management implemented its "last, best
offer," during the negotiations, the union did agree that FO
employees could be involved in scheduling consultative exams on a
limited basis during the DA&A initiative. This agreement was
limited to the DA&A case load and was in no way intended to
evidence the union's agreement to such activity in any other
From May through July 1996, a DA&A project was in effect
whereby state DEAs were "out stationed" in the Sacramento FO, where
they would meet with DA&A claimants following their interview
with the FO employee and schedule necessary consultative exams.
This DA&A project, which was virtually identical to the early
CE project proposed in December 1995, and later implemented in
April 1997, was described in the Oasis, an
official publication of the Social Security Administration, as a
teaming arrangement and touted as a program which "helps strengthen
the work relationship" between the DDS staff and the Sacramento FO.
It was also identified in the summary of teaming projects
implemented throughout the nation prepared by the agency's
In January 1997, the Sacramento FO again proposed to implement
an early CE project. Like the original December 1995 plan, under
this project, jointly established between the Sacramento FO and the
State DDS, DEAs would work in the Sacramento FO in the morning or
afternoon, during which time they would interview the claimant
(after he or she was interviewed by the Agency CR), determine
whether a CE was needed and, if so, schedule the examination. The
union again requested bargaining at the regional level on grounds
that the project constituted a teaming arrangement under the
November 1995 MOU, and respondent, by its Sacramento District
Manager, again refused to bargain and the early CE project was
implemented effective April 28, 1997.
On April 23, 1997, Campbell filed a union grievance concerning
"the Agency's refusal to negotiate with AFGE over the
implementation of the CE Project in Sacramento." The grievance was
denied on May 30, 1997, and the matter is now pending
The San Diego Prearranged CE Project
Sometime in May 1997, the San Diego FO proposed to implement a
Prearranged CE project whereby at the time of their interview of
the claimant, the CR would schedule consultative examinations for
disabled clientele meeting certain identified criteria. Under this
plan, the CR would determine the type of CE to set up, based on a
"Desk Guide for Exam Selections" or by contacting one of the La
Jolla DDS employees designated to provide assistance, and provide
the claimant with the relevant examination information. The
determination as to the type of CE exam and the scheduling of the
examination is work normally performed by the DDS employees.
On May 1, 1997, Campbell requested bargaining at the regional
level over this new plan on grounds that it involved CR/DE teaming
covered by the national MOU. The proposed plan was withdrawn.
The Chula Vista Prearranged CE Project
Although withdrawn in San Diego, a similar early CE project,
identified as a La Jolla DDS, Chula Vista Field Office Prearranged
CE Pilot, surfaced about a month later in Chula Vista. This project
also provides for the CR to schedule a CE for claimants meeting
certain eligibility criteria. The CR is to use the "Desk Guide for
Exam Selection" for assistance in selecting the appropriate
examination(s) or "if assistance is needed in determining whether a
CE is appropriate," contact a DDS representative for assistance.
The CR also provides the claimant with information about the
consultative examination, including preparation of an Exam
Information Sheet which the claimant must read and sign, makes
transportation arrangements under certain circumstances, or
arranges for an interpreter during the CE if necessary.
This prearranged CE project was developed jointly by the agency
and the State DDS, and requires the CR to perform work normally
handled by the DEA.
On June 17, 1997, Pam Smith, FO Manager, notified local union
representative Jenny Salvez of her plan to implement the
prearranged CE project. Based on the union's view that the Chula
Vista prearranged CE Project was a teaming arrangement, Salvez
responded, advising Smith that regional level notification was
required, but that if management insisted on local level
bargaining, the union's negotiators for the local level
negotiations would be Campbell and Stonebraker. Smith responded
that as the pilot was to be implemented only in Chula Vista, only
local notice was required but that in any event, since the pilot
had de minimis impact on the bargaining unit employees, no
bargaining was necessary. Campbell was never contacted and the
program was implemented without negotiations.
The union requested bargaining at the regional level on grounds
that the Chula Vista pilot was a CR/DE teaming arrangement and that
all such bargaining is required to take place at the regional level
(absent agreement otherwise) as a result of the November 1995 MOU
regardless of impact. Furthermore, at the time the union requested
bargaining, it anticipated that the program would have significant
impact on the bargaining unit employees.
The foreseeable impact concerned the extra work (anywhere from
5 to 20 minutes on a disability interview) as most of the employees
in Chula Vista work by appointment with a fixed period between
appointments. When they take on extra work and the issue of
expanding the time between appointments can create numerous
problems from running late on appointments or even not being able
to meet all appointments on a given day.
Respondent presented evidence concerning the post
implementation effects of the pilot program. During the six-month
period after implementation, about 30 prearranged CEs were
scheduled by the CRs. Respondent's witness estimated that it took
the CR about 10 minutes to complete the transaction.
Analysis and Conclusions
A. Positions of the Parties
The General Counsel argues that respondent's actions relative
to Chula Vista evidence its repudiation of the national teaming MOU
requirement for regional negotiations. In the alternative, General
Counsel contends that respondent's entire course of conduct,
including its withdrawing from an agreement reached on regional
level notice of teaming projects within the region, cancellation of
the scheduled mediator and unilateral termination of the
negotiations, established bad faith bargaining.(3) Lastly, the General Counsel asserts that
implementation in the Chula Vista office, which was done without
negotiations at either the regional or local level, as requested by
the union, constituted a separate violation of the Statute.
Respondent maintains that the Sacramento, San Diego and Chula
Vista projects do not constitute teaming arrangements and,
therefore, it was under no obligation to bargain at the regional
level prior to implementation. Respondent also asserts that any
consideration of the Sacramento CE project in this particular case
is barred by section 7116(d) of the Statute because of an earlier
filed union grievance. In addition, respondent asserts that there
was no obligation to bargain here since the change had only a
de minimis impact on bargaining unit employees. Finally,
respondent argues that it did not engage in bad faith bargaining
because it was free to withdraw its proposal to bargain at the
regional level, notwithstanding that its negotiators had reached
agreement with the union concerning an essential element of the
matter under negotiation, and was free to unilaterally terminate
the April 1997 negotiations, despite the national teaming MOU.
B. The Sacramento Early CE Project, the San Diego and
Vista Prearranged CE Projects are Teaming Arrangements
Within the Meaning of the November 1995 Teaming MOU
A basic issue here is whether the projects which were
implemented in respondent's field offices subsequent to the failed
regional teaming negotiations were "teaming" arrangements within
the meaning of the November 1995 MOU. Respondent maintains that
"the nature of the Sacramento and Chula Vista projects/pilots does
not fit the intent and meaning of "Teaming" as envisioned by agency
DPR and the National Early Decision List, Teaming and Sequential
Interviewing." The General Counsel nonetheless proposes that the
answer must be "yes." The General Counsel suggests that this is
simply another of respondent's numerous attempts to deny its
responsibility to bargain at the regional level, as provided by the
national MOU. The main issue thus appears to be whether respondent
met its obligation to bargain pursuant to the November 1995 MOU,
prior to implementation of arrangements encompassed in the November
1995 MOU, no matter what those arrangements are called.
It is not contested that CR/DE Baseline Teaming was adopted by
the agency as a means to one of the essential ends proposed by the
disability redesign project, the establishment of the DCM position.
Teaming was viewed as one tool, along with sequential interviewing
and EDL, for providing cross training opportunities for CRs to
learn the medical aspects of disability claims determination
performed by State DEs, and, perhaps secondarily, for the DEs to
learn interviewing techniques and how to handle nondisability
The record clearly discloses, through documents of the agency,
which were adopted and incorporated in the national Teaming MOU,
DE/CR, that teaming encompasses a wide variety of staffing
arrangements. The underlying documents also are the basis for the
parties' shared concept of teaming--documents prepared by the
Agency's DRPT and utilized by the parties during their negotiations
of the Teaming MOU are the Claims Representative and Disability
Examiner Teaming Informational Document and the Claims
Representative/Disability Examiner Baseline Teaming Practices. Both
make it clear that while "teaming implies that a literal pairing of
CRs and DEs will be established, actual team composition is likely
to vary due to the operational needs of the FO and DDS." The models
of person-to-person teaming, group-to-group teaming, unit-to-unit
teaming and case-by-case teams, are described in the memorandum of
November 21, 1995, and its attachments are as follows:
Only suggestions of how teams may be formed. There are certainly other ideas for team structures or combinations of structures that could be used depending upon local FO and DDS operational needs . . . It should be emphasized that teaming neither presumes nor bars team members being physically collocated . . . .
The November 21 document describes "a summary of different teaming arrangements that have been piloted among DDSs and FOs" throughout the country. It also shows that these teaming arrangements run the full range of interrelationships between the FO and DDS, and between the CRs and the DEs, from those where the DE, outstationed at the FO, basically performed his or her normal work making medical determinations while physically located in the field office, as in the Roseville FAST Project(4) to those where the CR conducted the nonmedical interview and then handed off the claimant to the DE for an interview by telephone, as in the Florida DDS/Jacksonville Area Project(5) or the Kingsport Tennessee Project, to those where outstationed DEs were directly involved with a CR in the initial claims taking process, as in the Virginia DDS/Southwest Regional Office Outstationing Project. In some cases, the CRs and DEs were paired or "buddied" with specific DEs for the length of the pilot but not collocated, as in the Wisconsin DO/DDS initiative, SI project; other teaming pilot programs, such as the Spokane Pilot Project or the Greenville FO/North Carolina DDS Project did not involve specific matched pairs of DEs and CRs but were teaming because they involved State and the Agency offices working together (through their DE and CR employees) to try to find ways to reduce claims processing time. In the FAST project, the entire FO staff was teamed with the onsite DE.
In the same vein, a compilation of a series of conference calls
in the summer of 1996, during which representatives of the agency,
AFGE and the states "shared their teaming experiences", shows a
wide range of arrangements which fall within the scope of the
teaming concept, including outstationing of DEs in field offices
(Boston, Dallas, Kansas City, Denver), outstationing of CRs to DDS
offices (Atlanta), cross training by teamed CRs and DEs and by DDS
training of CRs (Chicago, Denver), and a variety of other projects,
many designed to expedite homeless claims, in which CRs and DEs
work together physically (New York City Homeless Project) or
through telephone contact (Bronx FO and DDS Homeless Project).
The pilot projects undertaken by the agency throughout the
country make it clear that DE/CR teaming was intended to, and does,
encompass a broad range of staffing arrangements. In fact, in a
December 1995 letter to Campbell, seeking to initiate regional
bargaining following negotiation of the November 1995 Teaming MOU,
Respondent's Regional Commissioner, McMahon, provided the very
definition of teaming which respondent now seeks to deny:
Teaming is the bringing together of Field Office (FO) and Disability Determination Services (DDS) staff to facilitate the development and adjudication of disability claims. There are some suggested models for pairing these resources . . . The model used in any given field office will vary with local conditions and service area needs.
McMahon's definition of teaming is remarkably similar to the definition of teaming included in the regional MOU negotiated with AFGE in the agency Region III:
The joint effort between the FO and DDS to improve internal
communications and to product the best possible disability produce
in terms of quality, timeliness and meeting customer expectations.
It is anticipated that Teaming will result in promoting better
communications and understanding of the job demands and concerns of
all team members.
And virtually identical to the tentative definition with which the parties were working during April 1997 negotiations: "that teaming was a process that improved the relationship between state Agency and field offices with the goal of improving job skills for our employees and improving public service; and that it could be done in a variety of ways."
Notwithstanding the teaming configuration used, an objective of
all of the pilots was to improve disability claims processing,
i.e., all of the teaming pilots were concerned with service
enhancement, and to increase cooperation between the field office
and state DDS. Thus, a service enhancement may also be a teaming
arrangement. Respondent's attempt to call the Sacramento early CE
project or the Chula Vista Prearranged CE project "service
enhancement" arrangements, rather than teaming arrangements, is
The General Counsel urged that the Sacramento CE project is
similar to the FAST project, an acknowledged teaming arrangement
which the parties had as an example before them when negotiating
the November 1995 Teaming MOU, and clearly constitutes a teaming
arrangement within the meaning of the parties' MOU. Under the FAST
project, the outstationed DE performed his or her own DE work,
i.e., obtaining the evidence necessary to make the final medical
determination while in the agency field office(6) just as in the Sacramento CE project,
the DE performs DE work while in the field office.(7) In both projects, the outstationed DE
has face-to-face contact with the claimant for the first time.
While in the FAST project, the DE may have had an expanded role of
obtaining the medical evidence necessary to make the medical
determination for which they are responsible, in neither project
does the agency claims representative perform any of the DE's
medical determination work, nor the DEs perform any of the CR's
nonmedical eligibility determination work.
Under FAST "the teaming of the FO staff with the onsite DE
produced positive results in their daily communication and
association," as would the interaction between the Sacramento field
office staff and the onsite DE in the Sacramento CE project,
despite respondent's attempts to deny that there was any
interaction or contact between them at all. Clearly, when it suits
respondent, a state DE performing DE work in a field office is
teaming (as in the FAST project) but when it does not want to honor
its bargaining obligation, a similar interaction is merely
outstationing. Respondent's attempt to make this artificial
distinction should be rejected. The Sacramento CE project was a
teaming arrangement within the meaning of the 1995 Teaming MOU.
Similarly, the prearranged CE project proposed in San Diego and implemented in Chula Vista constitutes a variation on the office-to-office teaming included in the November 1995 memorandum. The Chula Vista prearranged CE project involves the CRs scheduling the consultative examinations which were previously within the exclusive purview of the DDS. While admittedly only to be done in limited cases with established criteria, nevertheless, the decision to schedule the examination requires a certain level of knowledge and discretion. In recognition of this need, the pilot insures that assistance is available to the CRs from specialists at the DDS. Clearly, the Chula Vista CE pilot is a form of cross-training in which the CR can begin to learn aspects of the medical determination.
It is undisputed that elements present in the Sacramento and
Chula Vista projects were also involved in the acknowledged teaming
pilots: having a DE outstationed in the agency field office where
the DE has face-to-face contact with a disability claimant for the
first time (compare Sacramento with the Spokane Pilot Project or
the Virginia DDS/Southwest Regional Office Outstationing Project)
or having a CR begin to perform a portion of the DE work, such as
deciding whether a consultative examination is needed and
scheduling exam with DDS personnel available to answer questions or
provide assistance (compare Chula Vista with Wisconsin DO/DDS
Sacramento and Chula Vista, like all of the teaming scenarios
set out in the memorandum and the compilation, coordination between
the DDS and the Agency is required, and thus, constitute teaming
arrangements within the meaning of that term as used by
Commissioner McMahon--the bringing together of FO and DDS staff to
facilitate the development and adjudication of disability
Based on the foregoing, it is found and concluded that the
Sacramento early CE project, the proposed San Diego pre-arranged CE
pilot and the prearranged CE project implemented in Chula Vista are
all teaming arrangements within the meaning of the 1995 Teaming
C. The Sacramento Early CE Project is Not Barred By
Previously Filed Grievance From Consideration in This
Case as Evidence of Bad Faith Bargaining
It is uncontroverted that prior to filing the instant unfair
labor practice charge, the union filed a grievance concerning "the
Agency's refusal to negotiate with AFGE over the implementation of
the CE Project in Sacramento." Respondent asserts, in essence, that
the aforementioned grievance constitutes a 7116(d) bar to any
issues in this case raised by implementation of the CE Project in
Sacramento. As already noted, the General Counsel submitted that
notwithstanding a section 7116(d) bar concerning the Sacramento CE
project as an unfair labor practice violation in itself, the
evidence surrounding that change is not barred from consideration
in this matter. Clearly, the General Counsel recognized that
pursuing an independent violation relative to implementation of the
Sacramento CE project would not be appropriate. The absence of such
an allegation does not prohibit one from considering such evidence
with respect to an alleged bad faith bargaining violation, however.
It is my understanding that the evidence of the Sacramento CE
project was proffered not to show a separate violation, but only to
support the theory that respondent's total conduct herein
constituted bad faith bargaining. Thus, it is unchallenged that the
evidence concerning the Sacramento CE project cannot be used to
establish a unilateral change or repudiation violation in this
case. The General Counsel wisely has not sought to use this
proffered evidence in such a fashion.
In determining whether a grievance bars a later filed unfair
labor practice, the Authority will examine whether "the ULP charge
arose from the same set of factual circumstances as the grievance
and the theory advanced in support of the ULP charge and the
grievance are substantially similar." Olam Southwest Air
Defense Sector (TAC), Point Arena Air Force Station, Point Arena,
California, 51 FLRA 797, 802 (1996), citing U.S.
Department of the Army, Army Finance and Accounting Center,
Indianapolis, Indiana and American Federation of
Government Employees, Local 1411, 38 FLRA 1345, 1351 (1991)
petition for review denied sub nom. AFGE, Local 1411 v.
FLRA, 960 F.2d 176 (D.C. Cir. 1992).
In this matter the grievance, filed by the same aggrieved party
as the unfair labor practice concerned, "the Agency's refusal to
negotiate with AFGE over the implementation of the CE Project in
Sacramento." Clearly, the Sacramento CE grievance does not allege
any violation relative to respondent's bad faith conduct during the
April 1997 negotiations, as it was filed before the proposal to
implement early CE in San Diego and before actual implementation of
early CE in Chula Vista. Furthermore, it does not concern
respondent's conduct relative to those two teaming arrangements.
While the grievance and unfair labor practice both involve
consideration of respondent's unilateral implementation of the
Sacramento CE project, the theory of the instant complaint, for
which evidence of the CE Project in Sacramento was offered, is that
respondent engaged in a course of bad faith bargaining. On the
other hand, the theory of the grievance appears to be limited to
refusal to negotiate only for the Sacramento CE project and does
not involve other actions by respondent that are alleged to be
violative of the Statute. The alleged bad faith bargaining
allegation herein included respondent's actions during the April
1997 negotiations, as well as its subsequent proposal to implement,
and the implementation of teaming arrangements in three different
In short, the bad faith bargaining allegation of the complaint
in this case requires a determination of respondent's course of
conduct in the "totality of the circumstances." Consequently, the
trier of facts must examine the whole of respondent's conduct
during and subsequent to the regional teaming negotiations; the
grievance meanwhile, is concerned only with respondent's conduct
relative to the Sacramento CE project and whether respondent's
implementation of the Sacramento CE project fulfilled its
contractual and statutory obligations. It appears that the theories
of the complaint and the grievance are different since "there would
be no need for the arbitrator to address the unfair labor practice
issue because the grievance sought only to establish a unilateral
change while the ULP sought to establish a statutory violation of
bad faith bargaining." Id. at 805. Thus, it seems that the
grievance and unfair labor practice complaint in this case are
based on different legal theories. Since the theories are
different, there is no bar to considering such evidence as it
relates to the allegation of bad faith bargaining in this
Accordingly, it is found that use of evidence related to
respondent's conduct relative to the Sacramento CE project, is
admissible for purposes of establishing a bad faith theory of
violation, and therefore is not barred by section 7116(d) of the
D. Respondent Repudiated the National MOU by Implementing
Arrangements Prior to Completion of Bargaining
at the Regional Level
The General Counsel takes the position that the 1995 Teaming
MOU requires negotiation at the Regional level regardless of the
Region's intent to implement any teaming arrangement in the Region,
and at a minimum, the National MOU plainly requires Respondent to
complete regional bargaining prior to implementing any teaming
arrangements in the Region. The General Counsel also submits that
by implementing a teaming arrangement in Chula Vista without
bargaining at the regional level, Respondent repudiated the 1995
agreement and thereby violated section 7116(a)(1) and (5) of the
Statute. Having found that the proposed San Diego prearranged CE
pilot and the prearranged CE project implemented in Chula Vista are
all teaming arrangements within the meaning of the 1995 Teaming
MOU, the question becomes whether respondent's action in
implementing these arrangements without completing the April 1997
negotiations is, indeed, a repudiation of that agreement.
In Department of Defense, Warner Robins Air Logistics
Center, Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, 40 FLRA 1211, 1218-19
(1991), the Authority found that while not every breach of contract
is a violation of the Statute, repudiation of a collective
bargaining agreement does constitute an unfair labor practice.
The Authority examines two elements in analyzing an allegation
of repudiation: (1) the nature and scope of the alleged breach of
an agreement (i.e., was the breach clear and patent?); and
(2) the nature of the agreement provision allegedly breached
(i.e., did the provision go to the heart of the parties'
agreement?). Department of the Air Force, 375th Mission Support
Squadron, Scott Air Force Base, Illinois, 51 FLRA 858
In the instant case, respondent's admitted failure to bargain
with the union prior to implementing the CE project in Chula Vista,
constitutes a clear and patent breach of a provision at the heart
of the November 1995 Teaming MOU. The November 1995 Teaming MOU
unequivocally commits the agency to bargain CR/DE teaming and SI at
the regional level, leaving all issues concerning implementation of
these processes to such regional bargaining: "The Agency plans to
implement CR/DE teaming and SI as quickly as possible. Management
agrees to bargain these issues at the regional level . . . in
accordance with the Operations Partnership Agreement MOU dated
In view of this language, respondent's failure bargain with the union at the regional level prior to implementing the teaming arrangement in Chula Vista was a "clear and patent breach" of a clear contract term--the provision for regional bargaining over teaming. Thus, respondent's failure to comply with its agreement to negotiate is unmistakably a failure to comply with a contract term which goes to the heart of the agreement. Department of the Air Force, Warner Robins Air Logistics Center, Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, 52 FLRA 225 (1996)(Warner Robins).
Accordingly, it is found that by implementing the teaming
arrangement in Chula Vista without bargaining at the Regional
level, respondent repudiated the 1995 agreement and, thereby,
violated section 7116(a)(1) and (5) of the Statute.
E. Respondent's Conduct in Connection With Regional
Negotiations Constituted Bad Faith Bargaining in
Violation of the Statute
In the alternative, the General Counsel seeks a violation of
section 7116(a)(1) and (5) of the Statute based on respondent's
total course of conduct relative to the April 1997 teaming
Respondent asserts that during the April 1997 negotiations, its
representative realized that "it really did not have any Early
Decision List, Teaming or Sequential Interviewing initiatives to
implement and that it was not prepared to continue the bargaining
process." Thus, respondent maintains that what did happen here was
that it was really not ready to bargain at that time."
Department of the Navy, Charleston Naval Shipyard, Charleston,
South Carolina, 34 FLRA 554 (1990).
Section 7103(a)(12) of the Statute defines collective
bargaining as the "performance of the mutual obligation of the
representative of an Agency and the exclusive representative of
employees in an appropriate unit in the Agency to meet at
reasonable times and to consult and bargain in a good-faith effort
to reach agreement with respect to the conditions of employment
affecting such employees[.]" Further, the duty to negotiate in good
faith includes the obligation, under section 7114(b)(1), to
approach the negotiations with a sincere resolve to reach a
collective bargaining agreement and, pursuant to section
7114(b)(2), to be represented at the negotiations by duly
authorized representatives prepared to discuss and negotiate on any
condition of employment.
In determining whether a party has engaged in bad faith
conduct, the Authority considers the totality of the circumstances
in a given case. E.g. Army and Air Force Exchange Service,
52 FLRA 290 (1996)(AAFES); U.S. Department of the Air Force,
Headquarters, Air Force Logistics Command, Wright-Patterson Air
Force Base, Ohio, 36 FLRA 524
(1990)(Wright-Patterson); see also Veterans
Administration, Washington, D.C. and Veterans Administration
Medical Center, Leavenworth, Kansas, 32 FLRA 855, 872
The General Counsel urges that several factors together
constitute overall bad faith bargaining during the April 1997
meetings. Clearly, each of the suggested factors standing alone
might not be sufficient to constitute bad faith bargaining, but in
combination with other factor they show a course of conduct that
established bad faith bargaining by respondent. These factors
include: (1) negotiators representing the agency who were not
authorized to enter into agreements;(2) withdrawal from an
agreed-to provision; (3) unilaterally canceling the mediator;
and(4) ultimately withdrawing from the negotiations. The General
Counsel also relies on respondent's action following the failed
negotiations, including: (1) implementation of the aforementioned
teaming arrangement in Sacramento; (2) proposing a teaming
arrangement in San Diego; and (3) implementing a teaming
arrangement in Chula Vista.
It is well settled that the Statutory obligation to bargain in
good faith requires both parties to send negotiators to the table
who are "duly authorized" and "prepared to discuss and negotiate on
any condition of employment." Internal Revenue Service and
Internal Revenue Service Brooklyn District, 23 FLRA 63 (1986).
In the absence of an agreement or practice to the contrary, a party
to the negotiations has the right to expect that the other party
has sent negotiators to the table who are duly authorized to enter
into an agreement. U.S. Department of the Navy, Portsmouth
Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 44 FLRA 205
In the instant case, respondent allegedly held Carlson and Otto
out as having full authority to bargain and enter into agreements
on behalf of the Region. Indeed, the parties engaged in serious
bargaining for two days in reliance upon Carlson and Otto's
apparent authority to act on behalf of respondent. National
Council of Social Security Administration Field Operations Locals,
Council 220, AFGE, AFL-CIO, 21 FLRA 319 (1986).
Ultimately, Carlson and Otto's inability to abide by the agreement
they reached, under orders from regional management, demonstrates
that, whatever their initial charter, respondent failed to send
individuals to the table for the April 1997 teaming negotiations
who were fully authorized to bargain on its behalf. The failure to
send authorized representatives to the table is certainly relevant
to the issue of bad faith bargaining.
By the same token, respondent's withdrawal from the consensus
agreement could also evince bad faith conduct. While a party's
withdrawal of a tentative agreement or a previous proposal without
good cause does not establish a per se violation, it
nevertheless can be evidence of bad faith bargaining.
AAFES, 52 FLRA at 304 citing Department of Treasury,
Internal Revenue Service, Memphis Service Center, 15 FLRA 829,
845 (1984); Division of Military and Naval Affairs,
State of New York, (Albany, New York), 7 FLRA 321, 338
The record reveals that when the union negotiators protested
that respondent had no right, consistent with its bargaining
obligation under the 1995 MOU, to withdraw from its consensus
agreement, management engaged in further bad faith conduct by then
imposing an ultimatum for continuing negotiations whereby the union
would have to agree to local level negotiations, and when the union
refused to agree to this demand, canceled the mediator and withdrew
from negotiations.
Conditioning further bargaining on the union agreeing to
retreat from a previously agreed to subject can also constitute
evidence of bad faith bargaining. In the private sector, such
conduct would be considered regressive bargaining as it was clearly
designed to frustrate the progress of the negotiations. See,
e.g., Golden Eagle Spotting Co., Inc., 319 NLRB 64
(1995)(Employer engaged in bad faith bargaining by regressive
bargaining regarding union security, where this conduct was part of
employer's effort to stall collective bargaining process);
Massillon Newspapers, Inc., 319 NLRB 349 (1995)(Employer
found to have engaged in bad faith bargaining where, among other
things, it failed to show good cause for reneging on agreements
reached on non-economic issues); Hilton International
Hotels, 187 NLRB 947 (1971)(Employer engaged in bad faith
bargaining by, among other things, withdrawing from concession to
which it had previously agreed, i.e., union shop provision).
It is undisputed thats during the April negotiations, an
agreement was reached by the parties to regional level notice as
part of their negotiations for a regional framework. While this
admittedly was not a full and final agreement, it was nevertheless
an agreement arrived at through collective bargaining. Once
agreement was reached, the union should have been able to rely on
respondent's good faith commitment, as this agreement formed the
basis for any further progress in their negotiations. The fact that
this agreement was reached in the context of the IBB process does
not diminish respondent's commitment. See for example, U.S.
Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration,
Standiford Air Traffic Control Tower, Louisville, Kentucky, 53
FLRA 312, 319 (1997). The union negotiators reasonably believed
that Carlson and Otto had authority to enter into such an agreement
and, at that point in time, reasonably believed that the parties
were engaged in genuine collective bargaining. See e.g.
American Federation of Government Employees, Local 2207 and U.S.
Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Birmingham,
Alabama, 52 FLRA 1477 (1997).
The General Counsel maintains that although the agreement to
regional notice was only one element of the framework the parties
were negotiating, conditioning further bargaining on the union
agreeing to local bargaining constitutes evidence of bad faith
bargaining. Inasmuch as there appears to be an absolute right,
under the parties agreed-to 1995 MOU, for the union to insist on
regional level bargaining over teaming, once the parties' reached
agreement on regional level bargaining, there would be no
obligation for the union to change its position or to continue to
bargain on that subject, in view of its negotiations over teaming.
In these circumstances, where the parties at the level of exclusive
representation have delegated bargaining to the regional level,
local bargaining would be a permissive subject. U.S. Food and
Drug Administration, Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Regions, 53
FLRA 1269, 1274 (1998). Accordingly, in my view, respondent's
insistence that the union surrender its agreement is akin to a
party insisting to impasse on a permissive subject of bargaining.
Such a demand has been held to violate the Statute. See, Sport
Air Traffic Controllers Organization (SATCO), 52 FLRA
561 (1996)(Order denying motion for reconsideration); Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation, Headquarters, 18 FLRA
768 (1985).
Respondent's unilateral cancellation of the mediator is further relevant evidence that respondent engaged in bad faith bargaining. In this regard, in the federal sector, mediation and the Federal Service Impasses Panel are essential parts of the good faith bargaining process. See, e.g., Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Washington, DC, 52 FLRA 459, 468-70 (1996); Department of Health and Human Services, Social Security Administration, 44 FLRA 870, 883 (1992). While the cancellation here may not be a violation in itself, it certainly is relevant to show that respondent had no commitment to reach agreement in this matter.
The General Counsel also suggested that as there was no
specific proposal which initiated the bargaining, since respondent
had no "proposal" to withdraw. As Hernandez acknowledged in the
letter he prepared for Mollenauer's signature initiating the 1997
negotiations and in his testimony at hearing, bargaining was
initiated in 1997 because "the Disability Redesign Team has
indicated to the regions its desire to complete any bargaining
associated with this MOU." Such bargaining was required regardless
of whether the region had any immediate plans to implement teaming
arrangements. The purpose of the bargaining was to negotiate a
framework for implementing teaming and SI in the future, a purpose
made abundantly clear by the MOUs negotiated in other regions which
Carlson offered to Campbell as models to use during their
negotiations, none of which addresses specific teaming plans and
all of which set out a framework for future teaming arrangements to
be implemented. It appears that negotiating such a framework is
precisely what the negotiators were doing when they agreed to
regional level notice and would have continued to do had not
management withdrawn from its proposal and terminated the
It does not appear that there was any basis for terminating
negotiations, regardless of whether it is a "proposal" management
was withdrawing or its "notice" of intent to bargain. As previously
discussed, the April 1997 negotiations were conducted because of
the obligation imposed by the November 1995 MOU. While it is true
that under the MOU, the bargaining does not commence until
initiated by management,(9) once
begun, however, good faith bargaining requires that the
negotiations proceed to agreement or impasse, as in the case of any
mandatory subject of bargaining under the Statute. Bargaining in
this case was clearly under way.
Respondent offered several reasons for its withdrawal from the
regional negotiations. In its submission to the Panel, respondent
argued that the negotiations terminated because the union "changed
to traditional bargaining" by submitting its proposal. The
uncontroverted evidence makes it clear, however, that the union
prepared the document only after respondent conditioned further
negotiations on the union relinquishing its agreement to regional
notice, and as a good faith attempt to provide tangible material to
move into the third party proceedings (i.e., continue negotiations
before the mediator or the FSIP) to which respondent's action was
forcing them. The document encompassed not only the union's ideas
but incorporated all of the interests, options and criteria which
management had raised during their negotiations, and included the
entire framework to which the parties had agreed during their
initial (and successful) negotiation sessions.
The evidence established that the union prepared its "proposal" in order to provide a vehicle for third party review, a direction in which the union reasonably believed the parties to be headed after respondent's representatives withdrew from their consensus agreement and issued an ultimatum. It thus appears that, the union's concern that it would be difficult to submit their impasse to a third party was well founded.
At the hearing and in its brief, respondent offered yet another reason for withdrawing from negotiations, contending that, in essence, the parties were simply too far apart on the definition of teaming. Unfortunately, that explanation was never communicated to the union, either at the time of the negotiations or, it should be noted, in respondent's FSIP submission. Thus, the relevant record evidence does not support such a claim. Instead it shows that the parties were already working with a tentative definition of teaming. Furthermore, the relevant evidence shows that it is inconsistent with the timing of respondent's action. Respondent's withdrawal from negotiations after it considered the union's "proposal" shows, in my view, that the withdrawal was not because of any differences over the definition of teaming, but because the union refused to consent to respondent's insistence on local level bargaining. I agree with the General Counsel that, if the parties had differences concerning the definition of teaming, those are the type of differences that a mediator or the FSIP is intended to resolve.
It appears that respondent withdrew from negotiations, despite
an acknowledged obligation under the 1995 MOU to complete the
regional negotiations, simply because regional management did not
like the way the negotiations were progressing and did not care for
the agreement reached by its negotiators. Respondent thus decided
to discontinue negotiations rather than continue bargaining in good
faith through the mediation and impasse procedures provided for in
the Statute.
Respondent left little doubt of its intent when it implemented
a teaming arrangement in Sacramento, proposed a teaming arrangement
in San Diego, and implemented a similar arrangement in Chula Vista
without completing the April 1997 bargaining. Although it is urged
that respondent was free to "withdraw" its notice and walk away
from the regional teaming negotiations, respondent was still faced
with the obligation to bargain at the regional level prior to
implementing any teaming arrangement within the region, as it
agreed to do in the MOU. Respondent's implementation of projects
which certainly appear to be teaming arrangements within the
meaning of the 1995 MOU and its decision to propose a CE project,
shortly after it withdrew from the April 1997 negotiations,
undercuts its claim that it had no intention to implement teaming
arrangements in the region, at the time it terminated the April
1997 bargaining. Regardless of whether respondent's conduct during
the April negotiations, standing alone, amounts to bad faith
bargaining, its conduct following the unilateral termination of the
April regional negotiations helps establish that respondent's
entire course of conduct relative to the regional teaming
negotiations constituted bargaining in bad faith in violation of
the Statute.
Based on the foregoing, it appears that respondent's total
conduct during the April 1997 negotiations, including sending
negotiators to the table who were not authorized to enter in
agreements, withdrawing from an agreed-to provision, unilaterally
canceling the mediator, and ultimately, withdrawing from the
negotiations, makes light of the agency's obligation to engage in
good faith bargaining imposed by Statute and thus constitutes an
unfair labor practice in violation of section 7116(a)(1) and (5) of
the Statute. Wright-Patterson, supra. Furthermore, it is
found that respondent's unilateral implementation of the Sacramento
and Chula Vista CE project and its proposal to implement a CE
Project is cumulative evidence of respondent's entire course of
conduct relative to the April 1997 negotiations and helps establish
that respondent violated the Statute.
F. Respondent Violated the Statute by Unilaterally
Implementing the Prearranged CE Project in Chula Vista
It has long been established that an agency is obligated to
bargain with the exclusive representative regarding the impact and
implementation of a change in working conditions of bargaining unit
employees where the change has more than de minimis impact
upon the employees. Department of Health and Human Services,
Social Security Administration, 24 FLRA 403 (1986). In
determining whether a change has the necessary impact, the
Authority examines the actual or reasonably foreseeable effect of
the change on conditions of employment. U.S. Customs Service
(Washington, D.C.) and U.S. Customs Service Northeast Region
(Boston, Massachusetts), 29 FLRA 891, 899 (1987).
In this case, the General Counsel contends that respondent
committed an independent violation of the Statute when it
unilaterally implemented the Chula Vista prearranged CE project
without bargaining at any level concerning the impact and
implementation of this change in working conditions. Thus, the
General Counsel maintains that, even if respondent is not found to
have repudiated the national MOU, it still has not met its
bargaining obligation with respect to the Chula Vista prearranged
CE project.
Respondent argues that the impact in this case was de
minimis and, therefore, it had no bargaining obligation.
In any event, the record disclosed that at the time the Chula Vista
Prearranged CE project was proposed, it was reasonably foreseeable
that the additional duties required by the project would have an
adverse impact on the employees, and that a duty to bargain thus
arose at that time. Thus, CRs were required to make determinations
about consultative exams, even using the "Desk Guide for Exam
Selection", required the claims representative to make decisions
which were not within the scope of their regular duties. Under the
project, the CRs also were required to schedule the examination,
including psychiatric examinations, to explain to the claimant the
nature of the examination and answer any questions which the
claimant might have, questions which could well call for
information concerning the medical determination which the CR would
not be qualified to answer. The project itself anticipated that
problems would arise and that the CRs could be required to contact
a DE for assistance. As proposed, there was no indication as to how
many claimants would come within the scope of the project.
In the view of the undersigned, it could be reasonably
anticipated that the addition of this new responsibility would
affect the amount of time the CR would spend in the interview. It
is undisputed that CRs' claimant interviews are set up for a
prescheduled block of time and that unanticipated longer interviews
can adversely impact on the CR's ability to maintain that schedule.
Under the circumstances, it is found that the reasonably
foreseeable adverse impact was sufficient to trigger a duty to
bargain in this case. Social Security Administration, Gilroy
Branch Office, Gilroy, California, 53 FLRA 1358 (1998).
Thus, even if the Chula Vista project was not a teaming
arrangement, there was still an obligation to bargain the impact
and implementation of this change prior to its implementation, at
the local level. Accordingly, respondent's refusal to bargain and
its unilateral implementation of the Chula Vista prearranged
project, violated section 7116(a)(1) and (5) of the Statute.
In addition to the normal cease and desist order and posting in
this case, the General Counsel argues with regard to the
repudiation of the 1995 teaming MOU, any appropriate remedy would
require respondent to abide by the provisions of the 1995 teaming
MOU, and would require it to rescind any teaming arrangements
implemented in the region in contravention of its bargaining
obligation. E.g. Warner Robins, 52 FLRA at 225. Further,
it is urged that the rescission of any teaming arrangements
implemented in the region following the failed April 1997
negotiations is also required in order to remedy respondent's bad
faith bargaining violation.
Additionally, the General Counsel argues that, in view of
respondent's denial of any bargaining obligation, similar
status quo ante relief would be appropriate to remedy its
unilateral implementation of the Chula Vista CE project under the
guidelines set out in Federal Correctional Institution, 8
FLRA 604 (1982).
Respondent makes no argument with respect to a remedy in this
matter since it apparently considered that no violation had been
In the circumstances of this matter, I agree with the General
Counsel's proposed remedy and, therefore, recommend that the
Authority adopt the following:
Pursuant to section 2423.41 of the Authority's Rules and
Regulations and section 7118 of the Federal Service
Labor-Management Relations Statute, the Social Security
Administration, Region IX, San Francisco, California, shall:
1. Cease and desist from:
(a) Implementing any teaming arrangements affecting
employees in the unit represented by the American Federation of
Government Employees, Council 147, without fulfilling its
obligation to bargain with the American Federation of Government
Employees, Council 147, at the regional level in accordance with
the 1995 Early Decision List, Teaming, Sequential Interviewing
(Teaming) MOU.
(b) Repudiating the 1995 Teaming MOU requiring
negotiations at the regional level over agency plans to implement
teaming and SI arrangements.
(c) Engaging in bad faith bargaining in its
negotiations with American Federation of Government Employees,
Council 147, over teaming and SI as required by the 1995 MOU.
(d) Implementing the Chula Vista CE project without
bargaining with the American Federation of Government Employees,
Council 147, to the extent required by the Statute.
(e) In any like or related manner, interfering with,
restraining, or coercing its employees in the exercise of their
rights assured by the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations
2. Take the following affirmative action in order to effectuate
the purposes and polices of the Statute:
(a) Rescind all teaming arrangements, including but not
limited to the Sacramento and Chula Vista CE projects, which have
been implemented in the San Francisco Region without bargaining
with the American Federation of Government Employees, Council
(b) Notify and, upon request, bargain with the American
Federation of Government Employees, Council 147, regarding all
teaming arrangements which have been implemented in the Region.
(c) Post at its facilities copies of the attached
Notice on forms to be furnished by the Federal Labor Relations
Authority. On receipt of such forms, they shall be signed by the
Regional Commissioner and shall be posted and maintained for 60
consecutive days thereafter in conspicuous places, including all
bulletin boards and other places where notices to employees are
customarily posted. Reasonable steps shall be taken to ensure that
such Notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other
(d) Pursuant to section 2423.41 of the Authority's
Rules and Regulations, notify the Regional Director, San Francisco
Region, Federal Labor Relations Authority, in writing, within 30
days from the date of this Order, as to what steps have been taken
to comply.
Issued, Washington, DC, May 28, 1998.
Administrative Law Judge
The Federal Labor Relations Authority has found that the Social
Security Administration, Region IX, San Francisco, California
violated the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute and
has ordered us to post and abide by this Notice.
We hereby notify our employees that:
WE WILL NOT implement any teaming arrangements without fulfilling
our obligation to bargain with the American Federation of
Government Employees, Council 147 at the San Francisco regional
level in accordance with the 1995 Early Decision List, Teaming,
Sequential Interviewing MOU.
WE WILL NOT repudiate the 1995 Teaming MOU requiring negotiations
at the regional level over Agency plans to implement teaming and SI
WE WILL NOT engage in bad faith bargaining in our negotiations with
the American Federation of Government Employees, Council 147, over
teaming and SI as required by the 1995 MOU.
WE WILL NOT unilaterally implement changes in working conditions of
employees in the unit represented by the American Federation of
Government Employees, Council 147, without bargaining to the extent
required by the Statute, such as our implementation of the Chula
Vista CE project without bargaining.
WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner, interfere with, restrain
or coerce employees in the exercise of rights assured by the
Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute.
WE WILL rescind all teaming arrangements which have been
implemented in the San Francisco Region without bargaining with the
American Federation of Government Employees, Council 147, including
but not limited to the Sacramento and Chula Vista CE projects.
Dated:_______________ By:_______________________
(Signature) (Title)
This Notice must remain posted for 60 consecutive days from the
date of the posting and must not be altered, defaced, or covered by
any other material.
If employees have any questions concerning this Notice or
compliance with its provisions, they may communicate directly with
the Regional Director, San Francisco Regional Office, Federal Labor
Relations Authority, whose address is: 901 Market Street, Suite
220, San Francisco, CA 94103, and whose telephone is: (415)
1. Although Carlson testified that she told Campbell that they were "withdrawing our request to bargain," she never told the union that they were terminating further negotiations or that they were canceling the mediator scheduled for the following day.
2. In this FSIP submission, respondent essentially denies that IBB constitutes negotiations, implying that collective bargaining takes places only in the context of traditional proposals and counter proposals.
3. Recognizing that a grievance related to respondent's unilateral implementation of the CE project had been filed in Sacramento, the General Counsel is not urging, in this case, that a separate unilateral change occurred relative to Sacramento. According to the General Counsel, evidence tendered with regard to the Sacramento project was offered solely to support the alternative theory of respondent's course of bad faith conduct.
4. Under the FAST project, as described in Jt. Exh. 2, Tab B, pp. 5-6, the DE performs his or her medical determination work in the Agency field office but through interviewing the claimant, may be involved in the development of medical evidence. The main difference between FAST and the Sacramento CE project was that under FAST, the DE in some cases actually made the final medical determination while physically working in the agency office (rather than returning to the DDS office and later notifying the claimant of the decision), while under the Sacramento project, the DE primarily decided whether a CE was needed.
5. "Initially, after a CR conducted the face-to-face non-medical interview, the CR telephoned the DDS so a DE could complete the medical interview. When it was noted that reaching an available DE by telephone was cumbersome, the procedure was revised. The CR now mails a referral to the DDS to signal that a medical interview by a DE is needed. Each claimant is given a notice . . . to call the DDS if they have not made contact within 14 days."
6. "The six month pilot consisted of outstationing a Disability Examiner (DE) in the DO for half-days. All initial claims, including those with no medical evidence of record and reconsideration, were routed to the DE to screen the case. The DE made the medical determination, requested additional evidence and/or scheduled a Consultive Examination (CE)."
7. Under the Sacramento CE pilot, the outstationed DE determines whether a consultative examination is needed while the claimant is in the office and the DE schedules the exam.
8. Nothing in the Operations Partnership Agreement limits the agency's agreement to bargain over teaming at the regional level. The agreement does, however, provide a basis for using IBB in such negotiations.
9. "Management will provide AFGE with notice in accordance with Article 4 of the National Agreement, 5 USC 71 and Executive Order 12871. The parties encourage the regional bargaining process to commence within 10 calendar days from the date the notice is given to the union."