20:0786(92)NG - IFPTE Local 220 and Air Force, HQ Sacramento Air Logistics Center -- 1985 FLRAdec NG
[ v20 p786 ]
The decision of the Authority follows:
20 FLRA No. 92 INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL ENGINEERS, LOCAL 220 Union and DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE, HEADQUARTERS SACRAMENTO AIR LOGISTICS CENTER Activity Case No. 0-NG-1177 ORDER DISMISSING PETITION FOR REVIEW This case is before the Authority pursuant to section 7105(a)(2)(E) of the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute and section 2424.1 of the Authority's Rules and Regulations on a petition for review of negotiability issues filed by the Union. For the reasons indicated below, it has been determined that the Union's petition for review must be dismissed. By Authority letter dated October 25, 1985, the Union was informed that examination of the petition for review disclosed an apparent deficiency in meeting the requirements of the Authority's rules of procedure. Specifically, as was noted in the Authority's letter, the Union's petition failed to comply with section 2424.4(b) of the Regulations which requires that a copy of the petition including all attachments thereto shall be served on the agency head and on the principal agency bargaining representative at the negotiations. The Union was informed of the specific action it had to take to comply and complete the appeal, and was granted 21 days in which to take that action. The Union was advised that further processing of the petition was contingent upon compliance with the cited provision of the Authority's Regulations and was put on notice that failure to comply within the time limit provided could result in dismissal of the petition. The Union has made no submission within the time limit provided. Accordingly, the petition for review is hereby dismissed for failure to comply with the Authority's Regulations. For the Authority. Issued, Washington, D.C. November 29, 1985 (s)--- Harold D. Kessler Managing Director for Case Processing